How To Make YouTube Thumbnails using TubeBuddy  😎   

may 21,2020 by vib4you -leave a comment :)


                                                       Install TubeBuddy

TubeBuddy is a famous tool among YouTube content creators, which is a YouTube certified, browser-extension, and channel management tool. When it comes to standing steady on YouTube SEO, then TubeBuddy is the most needed tool. 

Step 1

Go to YouTube Studio > Videos > edit the video which you want to create the thumbnail. In the video details page, click the “CREATE THUMBNAIL” button (if you installed TubeBuddy, it shows).

Create Thumbnail TubeBuddy button

Step 2

And it will take you to the “Thumbnail Generator” page. On the left side, TubeBuddy shows the actual thumbnail, which is selected default on YouTube.

Thumbnail Generator TubeBuddy page

To make thumbnails on YouTube, TubeBuddy split the processes into three levels. They are,

  • Background – Enables you to add custom thumbnail background or frame from the video.
  • Layer – Add Text, emoji’s, images to the thumbnail layer.
  • Preview – Preview your thumbnail of how it looks on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

Background section lets you add the background image of your video thumbnail. It allows you to add a solid background colour (or) your own image (or) the stills from the video frame.

For the sake of this tutorial, here I’m using the below background image (Refer the below image).

Thumbnail Generator Background

So, here I’m making the layer from the selected background image, (Check out the below image)

Thumbanil Layer Page

Kindly choose the best things among these options and use them on the thumbnail. For instance, you want to save the thumbnail template for future videos, then click the “Save Layers as the Template” button at the bottom of the page.

But for the TubeBuddy premium account holders only can able to use this option. Don’t worry, anyhow you are allowed to create the thumbnail and use it on your videos in the free account itself.

Once you’re ok with your design, then move on the preview page.

Preview page TubeBuddy

Finally, if you’re satisfied with your thumbnail image, then click the “Save & Publish” button. Moreover, take a look out the thumbnail tips provided by TubeBuddy on the right side and follow it.

TubeBuddy also lets you, download the created thumbnail images, hence you can use that on any other social media profiles. So, I hope you have at least a basic idea to create a custom thumbnail on your video. Here, I would like to provide some basic thumbnails tips to get more clicks to the videos.

Tips to make YouTube Thumbnails

  1. Thumbnail Image size and shapes are important.
  2. Highlight and enlarge the words like “Free”, “Tips”, “Discount”, “Offer”, and any other words related to creating curiosity.
  3. Use your channel icon in the thumbnail image.
  4. Try to apply the same fonts, colours all over the thumbnails on your channel.
  5. Follow the same template to your entire channel videos.
  6. Don’t use Clickbait thumbnails, which will create a bad impact on your audiences and also affects your YouTube video SEO.
  7. If you’re using the human faces, then take a separate photo session for thumbnails.
  8. Use effective YouTube thumbnail makers like TubeBuddy.
         grow your youtube channel:)

    also read:
                 -how to grow your youtube channel🔥
